
poems (25) preachy shit (6)

Sunday, April 19, 2020

A kite named Heart

There was once a little girl with a big beautiful kite named Heart. She made Heart herself, with her two little hands, paper in every colour of the rainbow, a little glue, some sticks and some love. Whatever she had, she put into that kite. Then she tied Heart on a long long string and sent it out to fly into the world. That way it would always be with her.

Heart glowed in every colour of the rainbow. It moved with the little girl in this direction and that, going where the wind took it. It saw beautiful sights and soared. It saw some sad ones too and cried. But it had it's little girl keeping it safe and so it was happy and alive and free.

But Heart and the girl did not go unobserved. There were little boys in the neighbourhood who watched with envy as Heart touched the skies and glowed brightly. "Why should she have Heart to herself?", they thought. And so the race began to see who could steal it.

The girl, though she had made Heart beautifully, was sadly not skilled in the ways of flying it. She lost Heart, not once, not twice, but many times. The boys would steal it for fun, keep it as a trophy, and sometimes even play with it like it was a ball. Each time she would manage to get it back from the cruel little boys, a little beat up, a little broken, a little more torn.  Heart grew weaker and weaker and didn't soar as high anymore,  so thankfully most boys left it alone now. A few nasty ones still tried but the girl had by now learned how to fly it better and keep it safe.

One day, a new boy moved into the house next door. His kite was called Heart too, he said. "Let's fly it together? I don't want to steal or break yours, I just want a friend." Girl listened to him carefully and asked Heart what she should do.  Heart gave her some advice - "keep me close, and put two strings on me this time so he can't steal it even if he tried". Girl agreed. Together the Hearts flew, spinning around and around each other until it was impossible to see where his Heart ended and hers began. So close did their Hearts stay together that both strings on hers were cut and she didn't even notice. Her Heart cried out in despair! But the foolish girl saw it too late, and her neighbour boy smiled and walked away with both his Heart and her own.

She begged and begged him to give it back. "Tonight", he said. So she waited outside his house all night to get it and he didn't come out. She begged him again. "Tonight, for sure", he said again. He never came and she spent another hopeless night waiting. "This evening, I promise", he swore. Evening came and she waited with bated breath at their spot. The stars came out and the moon shone. A few hours later, midnight struck, and the girl gave up and went home.

"Hey I looked for you last night", said the boy the next day. "I was right here, every night, but you never gave me back my Heart", replied the girl, knowing he was a liar and that he never came. "Haha!", laughed the boy then, "made you cry, didn't I! This is so much fun!!", and grinning, he took her Heart out from behind him, broke it in half, threw it at her feet, "there, take it now!" She looked at it sadly, and shook her head. "Keep it. I'm better off without it."

Off she went and explored the world on her own after that. She missed her Heart sometimes. She missed the happiness it used to give her. But she never missed the sadness again.

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